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  • 24
    The Light
    سورة النّور
    Total Ayaat: 64

     سُورَةٌ أَنْزَلْنَاهَا وَفَرَضْنَاهَا

    وَأَنْزَلْنَا فِيهَا آيَاتٍ بَيِّنَاتٍ

    لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ

    Sooratun anzalnaahaa

    wa faradnaahaa

    wa anzalnaa feehaaa Aayaatim baiyinaatil

    la'allakum tazakkaroon

    This is a Surah chapter of the Quran which We have sent down
    and which We have enjoined,
    and We have revealed in it manifest signs.
    That you may remember

    yeh ek surath hai ke hum ne use utara
    aur hum ne is ke ahkaam farz kiye
    aur hum ne is me roshan ayatain nazil farmae 
    ke tum dheyaan karo.

    الزَّانِيَةُ وَالزَّانِي

    فَاجْلِدُوا كُلَّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْهُمَا مِائَةَ جَلْدَةٍ ۖ

    وَلَا تَأْخُذْكُمْ بِهِمَا رَأْفَةٌ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ

    إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ۖ

    وَلْيَشْهَدْ عَذَابَهُمَا طَائِفَةٌ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    Azzaaniyatu wazzaanee

    fajlidoo kulla waahidim minhumaa mi'ata jaldatinw

    wa laa taakhuzkum bihimaa raafatun fee deenil laahi

    in kuntum tu'minoona billaahi wal Yawmil Aakhiri

    wal yashhad 'azaabahumaa taaa'ifatum minal mu'mineen

    The adulteress and the adulterer,
    then flog each one of them with a hundred lashes
    and let not withold you in with they pity for the religion Allah
    if you were believing in Allah and the day last
    and let a party of the believers witness their punishment.

    jo aurat badkaar ho aur jo mard
    to un me har ek ko 100 korhe lagao
    aur tumhe un par taras na aaye Allah ke deen me
    agar tum imaan laate ho Allah aur pichle din par
    aur chahiye ke un ki saza ke waqt musalmanoon ka ek giroh haazir ho.

    الزَّانِي لَا يَنْكِحُ إِلَّا زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً

    وَالزَّانِيَةُ لَا يَنْكِحُهَا إِلَّا زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ ۚ

    وَحُرِّمَ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    Azzaanee laa yankihu illaa zaaniyatan aw mushrikatanw

    wazzaaniyatu laa yankihuhaaa illaa zaanin aw mushrik;

    wa hurrima zaalika 'alal mu'mineen

    the fornicator not marrier but a female fornicator or an idulateress
    and a female fornicator not marries but a fornicator or an idolater
    and is forbidden such that to the believers.

    badkaar mard nikah na kere magar badkaar aurat ya shirk wali se
    aur badkaar aurat se nikah na kere magar badkaar mard ya mushrik 
    aur yeh kaam imaan walon par haraam hai.

     وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْصَنَاتِ

    ثُمَّ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاءَ

    فَاجْلِدُوهُمْ ثَمَانِينَ جَلْدَةً

    وَلَا تَقْبَلُوا لَهُمْ شَهَادَةً أَبَدًا ۚ

    وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ 

    Wallazeena yarmoonal muhsanaati

    summa lam yaatoo bi-arba'ati shuhadaaa'a

    fajlidoohum samaaneena jaldatanw

    wa laa taqbaloo lahum shahaadatan abadaa;

    wa ulaaa'ika humul faasiqoon

    and those who accuse the chaste women
    then not produce four witnesses
    then flog them with eighty lashes
    and do not accept their testimony forever
    and those are the disobedient to.

    aur jo paarsa aurton ko aib lagayen
    phir chaar gawah muaiyna ke na layein
    to unhen 80 korhe lagao
    aur un ki gawahi kabhi na manu
    aur wohi fasiq hain.

     إِلَّا الَّذِينَ تَابُوا مِنْ بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ وَأَصْلَحُوا

    فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ 

    llal lazeena taaboo mim ba'di zaalika wa aslahoo

    fa innal laaha Ghafoorur Raheem

    except those who repent thereafter and do righteous,
    so verily Allah is The All Forgiving One The Most Merciful.

    magar jo us ke baad tauba kar len aur sanwar jayen
    to beshak Allah bakhsne wala meharban hai.

    وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ أَزْوَاجَهُمْ

    وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُمْ شُهَدَاءُ إِلَّا أَنْفُسُهُمْ

    فَشَهَادَةُ أَحَدِهِمْ أَرْبَعُ شَهَادَاتٍ بِاللَّهِ ۙ

    إِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ 

    Wallazeena yarmoona azwaajahum

    wa lam yakul lahum shuhadaaa'u illaaa anfusuhum

    fashahaadatu ahadihim arb'u shahaadaatim billaahi

    innahoo laminas saadiqeen

    and those who accuse their wives,
    and are not for them witness except themselves,
    then the testimony of one of them is four testimonies by Allah
    that he is one of those who speak th truth.

    aur woh jo apni aurton ko aib lagayen
    aur un ke paas apne bayan ke siwa gawah na ho
    to aise kisi ki gawahi yeh hai ke chaar baar gawahi den Allah ke
    naam se
    ke woh sacha hai.

    وَالْخَامِسَةُ أَنَّ لَعْنَتَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ إِنْ كَانَ مِنَ الْكَاذِبِينَ

    Wal khaamisatu anna la'natal laahi 'alaihi in kaana minal kaazibeen

    and the fifth testimonuy is that the curse of Allah is on him if he be of those who tell a lie.

    aur pachwin yeh ke Allah ki laanat ho is par agar jhoota ho.

    وَيَدْرَأُ عَنْهَا الْعَذَابَ

    أَنْ تَشْهَدَ أَرْبَعَ شَهَادَاتٍ بِاللَّهِ ۙ

    إِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الْكَاذِبِينَ 

    Wa yadra'u anhal 'azaaba

    an tashhada arba'a shahaa daatim billaahi

    innahoo laminal kaazibeen

    but it shall avert from her the punishment
    that she testifies four testimonies by Allah
    that is one of those who tell lies.

    aur aurat se yun saza tal jaye gi
    ke woh Allah ka naam le kar chaar baar gawahi de
    ke mard jhoota hai.

    وَالْخَامِسَةَ أَنَّ غَضَبَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهَا

    إِنْ كَانَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ

    Wal khaamisata anna ghadabal laahi 'alaihaaa

    in kaana minas saadiqeen

    and the fifth testimony that the anger of Allah be upon her
    if he was one of those who speak the truth.

    aur panchwin yun ke aurat par gazab Allah ka
    agar mard sachchon se hai 

     وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُ

    وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ حَكِيمٌ

    Wa law laa fadlul laahi 'alaikum wa rahmatuhoo

    wa annal laaha Tawwaabun Hakeem

    and had it not been for grace of Allah on you and his mercy!
    And that Allah is The One Who Accepts Repantence The Ultimately Wise One.

    aur agar Allah ka fazl aur us ki rahmat tum par na hoti
    aur yeh ke Allah tauba qubool farmata hikmat wala hai.

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ جَاءُوا بِالْإِفْكِ عُصْبَةٌ مِنْكُمْ ۚ

    لَا تَحْسَبُوهُ شَرًّا لَكُمْ ۖ

    بَلْ هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ ۚ

    لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مِنْهُمْ مَا اكْتَسَبَ مِنَ الْإِثْمِ

    ۚ وَالَّذِي تَوَلَّىٰ كِبْرَهُ مِنْهُمْ

    لَهُ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ

    Innal lazeena jaaa'oo bilifki 'usbatum minkum

    laa tahsaboohu sharral lakum

    bal huwa khairul lakum;

    likul limri'im minhum mak tasaba minal ism

    wallazee tawallaa kibrahoo minhum

    lahoo 'azaabun 'azeem

    verily those who brought forth the slander are a group among you.
    you consider it not a bad thing for you,
    nay it is good for you,
    unto every of them is what he had earned of the sin
    and as for him among them who had the greated share
    his will be a great torment.

    beshak woh ke yeh barha bohtan laaye hain tumhe me ki ek jamaat hai
    use apne liye bura na samjho,
    balke woh tumahre liye behtar hai
    un me har shakhs ke liye woh gunah hai jo is ne kamaya
    aur un me woh jis ne sab se barha hissa liya
    is ke liye barha azaab hai.

     لَوْلَا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُوهُ

    ظَنَّ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتُ بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ خَيْرًا

    وَقَالُوا هَٰذَا إِفْكٌ مُبِينٌ

    Law laaa iz sami'tumoohu

    zannal mu'minoona walmu'minaatu bi anfusihim khairanw

    wa qaaloo haazaaa ifkum mmubeen

    why then when you heard it 
    the believers men and women did think good of their own people;
    and they say: This charge is a lie.”

    kyun na huwa jab tum ne use suna tha
    ke musalman mardon aur musalman aurton ne apnon par nek gumaan kya hota
    aur kehte yeh khula bohtan hai.

     لَوْلَا جَاءُوا عَلَيْهِ بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاءَ ۚ

    فَإِذْ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِالشُّهَدَاءِ

    فَأُولَٰئِكَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ

    Law laa jaaa'oo 'alaihi bi arba'ati shuhadaaa';

    fa iz lam yaatoo bishshuhadaaa'i

    fa ulaaa 'ika 'indal laahi humul kaaziboon

    why did not they produce for it four witnesses,
    since not they brought the witnesses
    then these with to Allah they are the liars.

    us par chaar gawah kyun na laaye,
    to jab gawah na laaye
    to wohi Allah ke nazdeek jhute hain.

     وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُ

    فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ

    لَمَسَّكُمْ فِي مَا أَفَضْتُمْ فِيهِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ 

    Wa law laa fadlul laahi 'alaikum wa rahmatuhoo

    fiddunyaa wal aakhirati

    lamassakum fee maaa afadtum feehi 'azaabun 'azeem

    and had it not been for the grece of Allah and his mercy unto you
    in this world and in the hereafter
    would have touched you for that whereof you had spoken a great torment.

    aur agar Allah ka fazl aur us ki rahmat tum par na ho ti
    duniya aur akhirat me
    to jis charche me tum parhe is par tumhe barha azaab pohunchta.

    إِذْ تَلَقَّوْنَهُ بِأَلْسِنَتِكُمْ

    وَتَقُولُونَ بِأَفْوَاهِكُمْ

    مَا لَيْسَ لَكُمْ بِهِ عِلْمٌ

    وَتَحْسَبُونَهُ هَيِّنًا

    وَهُوَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ عَظِيمٌ

    iz talaqqawnahoo bi alsinatikum

    wa taqooloona bi afwaahikum

    maa laisa lakum bihee 'ilmunw

    wa tahsaboo nahoo haiyinanw

    wa huwa 'indal laahi 'azeem

    when you were propogating it with your tongues
    and uttering with your mouths
    what not for you of it there was no knowledge,
    and consider it a little thing
    while with Allah it was very great.

    jab tum aisi baat apni zabanon par ek dosre se sun kar laate the
    aur apne munh se woh nikalte the
    jis ka tumhe ilm nahi
    aur use sahal samajte the
    aur woh Allah ke nazdeek barhi baat hai.

     وَلَوْلَا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُوهُ

    قُلْتُمْ مَا يَكُونُ لَنَا أَنْ نَتَكَلَّمَ بِهَٰذَا

    سُبْحَانَكَ هَٰذَا بُهْتَانٌ عَظِيمٌ

    Wa law laaa iz sami'tu moohu

    qultum maa yakoonu lanaaa an natakallama bihaazaa

    Subhaanaka haaza buhtaanun 'azeem

    and why did not you when you heard it
    you say: it is not right for us to speak of this
    glory is to you this is a great lie.

    aur kyun na huwa jab tum ne use suna tha
    kaha hota ke hame nahi pahunchta ke aisi baat kahen
    Ellahi paki hai tujhe yeh barha bohtan hai.

     يَعِظُكُمُ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَعُودُوا لِمِثْلِهِ أَبَدًا

    إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ

    Ya'izukumul laahu an ta'oodoo limisliheee abadan

    in kuntum mu'mineen

    Allah warns you that you repeat the like of it forever,
    if you are believers.

    Allah tumhe naseehat farmata hai ke ab kabhi aisa na kahna
    agar imaan rakhte ho.

     وَيُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ ۚ

    وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ 

    Wa yubaiyinul laahu lakumul Aayaat;

    wallaahu 'Aleemun Hakeem

    and Allah makes clear for you the signs
    and Allah The Omniscient The Ultimately Wise One.

    aur Allah tumahre liye ayaten saaf bayan farmata hai,
    aur Allah ilm o hikmat wala hai.

     إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحِبُّونَ أَنْ تَشِيعَ الْفَاحِشَةُ فِي الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا

    لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ ۚ

    وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ 

    Innal lazeena yuhibboona an tashee'al faahishatu fil lazeena aamanoo

    lahum 'azaabun aleemun fid dunyaa wal Aakhirah;

    wallaahu ya'lamu wa antum laa ta'lamoon

    Verily those who like that should be propagated illegal sexual intercourse among those who believe.
    They will have a painful torment in this world and the hereafter
    and Allah knows and you do not know.

    beshak woh log jo chahte hain ke musalmano me bura charcha phailain
    un ke liye dard naak azaab hai duniya aur akhirat me
    aur Allah jaanta hai aur tum nahi jante.

     وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُ

    وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ رَءُوفٌ رَحِيمٌ

    Wa law laa fadlul laahi 'alaikum wa rahmatuhoo

    wa annal laaha Ra'oofur Raheem

    and had it not been for the grece of Allah on you and this mercy!
    And that Allah The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful .

    aur agar Allah ka fazl aur us ki rehmat tum par na hoti
    aur yeh ke Allah tum par nihayat meharban mohar wala hai.

     يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ

    ۚ وَمَنْ يَتَّبِعْ خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ

    فَإِنَّهُ يَأْمُرُ بِالْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ

    ۚ وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُ

    مَا زَكَىٰ مِنْكُمْ مِنْ أَحَدٍ أَبَدًا

    وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ يُزَكِّي مَنْ يَشَاءُ

    ۗ  وَاللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

    Yaaa aiyuhal lazeena aamanoo laa tattabi'oo khutuwaatish Shaitaan;

    wa many-yattabi' khutuwaatish Shaitaani

    fa innahoo yaamuru bilfahshaaa'i walmunkar 

    wa law laa fadlul laahi 'alaikum wa rahmatuhoo

    maa zakaa minkum min ahadin abadanw

    wa laakinnal laaha yuzakkee many-yashaaa

    wallaahu Samee'un 'Aleem


    O you who believe! Do not follow the footsteps of satan
    and whosoever follow the footsteps of satan
    then verily he commands to commit indecency and evil deeds
    and had it not been for the grace of Allah and his mercy on you
    not one of you anyone would ever have been pure from sins,
    but Allah purifies whom her wills
    and Allah is The All Hearing One The Omniscient .

    ae imaan walo! shaitaan ke qadmon par na chalo,
    aur jo shaitaan ke qadmon par chale
    to woh to be hayai aur buri hi baat bataye ga
    aur agar Allah ka fazl aur is ki rehmat tum par na hoti
    to tum me koi bhi kabhi suthra na ho sakta
    haan Allah suthra kar deta hai jise chahe
    aur Allah sonta jaanta hai.

     وَلَا يَأْتَلِ أُولُو الْفَضْلِ مِنْكُمْ وَالسَّعَةِ

    أَنْ يُؤْتُوا أُولِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَالْمَسَاكِينَ

    وَالْمُهَاجِرِينَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۖ

    وَلْيَعْفُوا وَلْيَصْفَحُوا ۗ

    أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

    Wa laa yaatali ulul fadli minkum wassa'ati

    ai yu'tooo ulil qurbaa walmasaakeena

    walmuhaajireena fee sabeelillaahi

    walya'foo walyasfahoo;

    alaa tuhibboona ai yaghfiral laahu lakum;

    wal laahu Ghafoorur Raheem

    and let not those among you who are blessings with and wealth swear to desistto
    to give to the kinfolk, and the poor
    and the emigrants in the way of Allah
    let them pardon and forgive,
    do you not love that Allah should forgive for you?
    and Allah is The All Forgiving One The Most Merciful.

    aur qasam na khayen woh jo tum me fazeelat wale aur gunjaish wale hain
    qaraabat walon aur miskeeno ko dene ki
    aur Allah ki raah me hijrat karne walon ,
    aur chahiye ke maaf karen aur darguzar,
    kya tum use dost nahi rakhte ke Allah tumhari bakhshish kere,
    aur Allah bakhsne wala meharban hai.

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْصَنَاتِ

    الْغَافِلَاتِ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ

    لُعِنُوا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ

    وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ

    Innal lazeena yarmoonal muhsanaatil

    ghaafilaatil mu'minaati

    lu'inoo fid dunyaa wal Aakhirati

    wa lahum 'azaabun 'azeem

    Verily those who accuse chaste women
    who never think of anything touching their chastity believers women
    are cursed in the world and the hereafter
    and for them will be a great torment.

    beshak woh jo aib lagate hain paarsa
    anjaan imaan waliyon ko
    un par laanat hai duniya aur akhirat me
    aur un ke liye barha azaab hai.

    يَوْمَ تَشْهَدُ عَلَيْ هِمْ  أَلْسِنَتُهُمْ وَأَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُمْ

    بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ

    Yawma tashhhadu 'alaihim alsinatuhum wa aideehim wa arjuluhum

    bimaa kaanoo ya'maloon

    On the day when witness agains them their tonguse, and their hands and their legs
    as to what they used to do.

    jis din un par gawahi den ge un ki zubanen aur un ke haath aur un ke paon
    jo kuch karte the.

    . يَوْمَئِذٍ يُوَفِّيهِمُ اللَّهُ دِينَهُمُ الْحَقَّ

    وَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْحَقُّ الْمُبِينُ

    Yawma'iziny yuwaf feehimul laahu deenahumul haqqa

    wa ya'lamoona annal laaha Huwal Haqqul Mubeen

    on that day Allah will pay them the recompense their deeds in full
    and they will know that Allah he is the manifest truth.

    us din Allah unhen un ki sachhi saza poori de ga
    aur jaan len ge ke Allah hi Sarih haq hai.

    الْخَبِيثَاتُ لِلْخَبِيثِينَ

    وَالْخَبِيثُونَ لِلْخَبِيثَاتِ ۖ

    وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلطَّيِّبِينَ

    وَالطَّيِّبُونَ لِلطَّيِّبَاتِ ۚ

    أُولَٰئِكَ مُبَرَّءُونَ مِمَّا يَقُولُونَ ۖ

    لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ

    Alkhabeesaatu lilkha beeseena

    walkhabeesoona lilkhabeesaati

    wattaiyibaatu littaiyibeena

    wattaiyiboona littaiyibaat;

    ulaaa'ika mubar ra'oona maimmaa yaqooloona

    lahum maghfiratunw wa rizqun kareem

    bad women are for bad men,
    and bad men are for bad women
    and good men are for god women
    and good men are for good women
    those are innocent of what they say
    for them forgiveness and provision generous.

    gandhiyan gandon ke liye
    aur gande gandiyon ke liye
    aur suthriyan suthron ke liye
    aur suthre suthriyon ke liye
    woh pak hain un baton se jo yeh kah rahe hain,
    un ke liye bakhshish aur izzat ki rozi hai.

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا

    لَا تَدْخُلُوا بُيُوتًا غَيْرَ بُيُوتِكُمْ

    حَتَّىٰ تَسْتَأْنِسُوا

    وَتُسَلِّمُوا عَلَىٰ أَهْلِهَا ۚ

    ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ

    لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ

    Yaaa aiyuhal lazeena aamanoo

    laa tadkhuloo buyootan ghaira buyootikum

    hatta tastaanisoo

    wa tusallimoo 'allaa ahlihaa;

    zaalikum khairul lakum

    la'allakum tazakkaroon


    O you who believe!
    Do not enter houses other than your houses
    until you have asked permission
    and greated their people
    that is better for you in order
    that you may remember.

    ae imaan walo!
    apne gharon ke siwa aur gharon me na jao
    jab tak ijazat na le lo
    aur un ke sakinon par salaam na kar lo 
    yeh tumahre liye behtar hai
    ke tum dheyaan karo.

     فَإِنْ لَمْ تَجِدُوا فِيهَا أَحَدًا

    فَلَا تَدْخُلُوهَا

    حَتَّىٰ يُؤْذَنَ لَكُمْ ۖ

    وَإِنْ قِيلَ لَكُمُ ارْجِعُوا فَارْجِعُوا ۖ

    هُوَ أَزْكَىٰ لَكُمْ ۚ

    وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ عَلِيمٌ

    Fa il lam tajidoo feehaaa ahadan

    falaa tadkhuloohaa

    hattaa yu'zana lakum

    wa in qeela lakumurji'oo farji'oo

    huwa azkaa lakum;

    wallaahu bimaa ta'maloona 'Aleem

    and if not you find therein anyone
    then do not enter them house
    until permission has been given to you,
    and if it is said for you to return then go back,
    it is purer for you
    and Allah is The Omniscient of what you do. 

    phir agar un me kisi ko na pao
    jab bhi un me na jao
    be malikon ki ijazat ke
    aur agar tum se kaha jaye wapas jao to wapas ho
    yeh tumahre liye bahut suthra hai,
    aur Allah tumahre kamon ko jaanta hai.

     لَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ

    أَنْ تَدْخُلُوا بُيُوتًا غَيْرَ مَسْكُونَةٍ فِيهَا

    مَتَاعٌ لَكُمْ ۚ

    وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تُبْدُونَ وَمَا تَكْتُمُونَ

    Laisa 'alaikum junaahun

    an tadkhuloo buyootan ghaira maskoonatin feeha

    mataa'ul lakum;

    wallaahu ya'lamu maa tubdoona wa maa taktumoon

    There is not sin on you
    that you enter houses not in habited in which
    there is usefulness for you,
    and Allah has knows what you reveal and what you conceal.

    us me tum par kuch gunah nahi
    ke un gharon me jao jo khaas kisi ki sukoonat ke nahi
    aur un ke baratne ka tumhe ikhtiyar hai,
    aur Allah jaanta hai jo tum zahir karte ho, aur jo tum chupate ho.

     قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ

    وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ ۚ

    ذَٰلِكَ أَزْكَىٰ لَهُمْ ۗ

    إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ

    Qul lilmu' mineena yaghuuddoo min absaarihim

    wa yahfazoo furoojahum;

    zaalika azkaa lahum;

    innallaaha khabeerum bimaa yasna'oon

    Tell to the believing me to lower from their gazes,
    and protect their private parts
    that is purer for them.
    verily Allah is The All-Aware of what they do.

    musalman mardon ko hukum do apni nigahen kuch neechi rakhen
    aur apni sharamgahon ki hifazat karen
    yeh un ke liye bahut suthra hai,
    beshak Allah ko un ke kamon ki khabar hai.

    . وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ

    وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ

    وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا ۖ

    وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَىٰ جُيُوبِهِنَّ ۖ

    وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا لِبُعُولَتِهِنَّ

    أَوْ آبَائِهِنَّ أَوْ آبَاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ

    أَوْ أَبْنَائِهِنَّ أَوْ أَبْنَاءِ بُعُولَتِهِنَّ

    أَوْ إِخْوَانِهِنَّ أَوْ بَنِي إِخْوَانِهِنَّ

    أَوْ بَنِي أَخَوَاتِهِنَّ أَوْ نِسَائِهِنَّ

    أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُنَّ

    أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُولِي الْإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ

    أَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يَظْهَرُوا عَلَىٰ عَوْرَاتِ النِّسَاءِ ۖ

    وَلَا يَضْرِبْنَ بِأَرْجُلِهِنَّ

    لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفِينَ مِنْ زِينَتِهِنَّ ۚ

    وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا أَيُّهَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ

    لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

    Wa qul lilmu'minaati yaghdudna min absaarihinna

    wa yahfazna furoojahunna

    wa laa yubdeena zeenatahunna illaa maa zahara minhaa

    walyadribna bikhumurihinna 'alaa juyoobihinna

    wa laa yubdeena zeenatahunna illaa libu'oolatihinna

    aw aabaaa'i hinna aw aabaaa'i bu'oolati hinna

    aw abnaaa'ihinaa aw abnaaa'i bu'oolatihinnna

    aw ikhwaanihinnna aw baneee ikhwaanihinna

    aw banee akhawaatihinna aw nisaaa'i hinna

    aw maa malakat aimaanuhunna

    awit taabi'eena ghairi ilil irbati minar rijaali

    awit tiflillazeena lam yazharoo 'alaa 'awraatin nisaaa'i

    wala yadribnna bi arjulihinna

    li yaalama maa yukhfeena min zeenatihinn;

    wa toobooo ilallaahi jammee'an aiyuhal mu'minoona

    la'allakum tuflihoon


    and tell to the believing women to lower from their gazes
    and protect their private parts
    and not expose their beauty female adorment except that which is apparent of it
    and let them draw their veils head coverings over their breasts
    and not to reveal their beauty except to their husbands
    or their fathers, or fathers of their husbands
    or their sons or the sons of their husbands
    or their brothers or the sons of their brothers
    or the sons of their sisters or their muslims women
    or what possess their right hands
    or old male sertants with lack of male vigour of men
    or children who not have sent of the sexual parts of women
    and not let them stamp their feet,
    so as to reveal what they hide of their beauty female adorment
    and repent to Allah all of you, O you believers!
    That you may become successful.

    aur musalman aurton ko hukum do apni nigahen kuch neechi rakhen
    aur apni paarsai ki hifazat karen
    aur apna banaao na deikhein magar jitna khud hi zahir hai
    aur woh dupatte apne girebaano par daale rahen,
    aur apna singhar zahir na karen magar apne shohron par
    ya apne baap ya shoharon ke baap
    ya apne beton ya shoharon ke beton
    ya apne bhai ya apne bhateeje
    ya apne bhanje ya apne deen ki aurten
    ya apni kaneezen jo apne haath ki milk hon
    ya naukar basharte ke shahwat wale mard na hon
    ya woh bache jinhen aurton ki sharam ki cheezon ki khabar nahi
    aur zameen par payr zor se na rakhen
    ke jana jaye un ka chhopa hova singhar
    aur Allah ki taraf tauba karo ae musalmano! sab ke sab
    is umeed par ke tum Falah pao.

    وَأَنْكِحُوا الْأَيَامَىٰ مِنْكُمْ

    وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ ۚ

    إِنْ يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ

    Wa ankihul ayaamaa minkum

    was saaliheena min 'ibaadikum wa imaa'kum;

    iny-yakoonoo fuqaraaa'a yughni himul laahu min fadlih;

    wal laahu Waasi'un 'Aleem

    and marry the single among you
    and the pious of your male slaves and maid servant,
    if they be poor Allah will enrich them out of his bounty
    and Allah is The One Who Capacity is Limitless The Omniscient.

    aur nikah kar do apno me un ka jo be nikah ho 
    aur apne Laiq bandon aur kanizon ka
    agar woh faqeer hon to Allah unhen ghani kar de ga apne fazl se
    aur Allah wusat wala ilm wala hai.

     وَلْيَسْتَعْفِفِ الَّذِينَ لَا يَجِدُونَ نِكَاحًا

    حَتَّىٰ يُغْنِيَهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ۗ

    وَالَّذِينَ يَبْتَغُونَ الْكِتَابَ مِمَّا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ

    فَكَاتِبُوهُمْ إِنْ عَلِمْتُمْ فِيهِمْ خَيْرًا ۖ

    وَآتُوهُمْ مِنْ مَالِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي آتَاكُمْ ۚ

    وَلَا تُكْرِهُوا فَتَيَاتِكُمْ عَلَى الْبِغَاءِ

    إِنْ أَرَدْنَ تَحَصُّنًا لِتَبْتَغُوا عَرَضَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۚ

    وَمَنْ يُكْرِهْهُنَّ

    فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ مِنْ بَعْدِ إِكْرَاهِهِنَّ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

    Wal yasta'fifil lazeena laa yajidoona nikaahan

    hata yughniyahumul laahu mi fadlih;

    wallazeena yabtaghoonal kitaaba mimmaa malakat aimaanukum

    fakaatiboohum in 'alimtum feehim khairanw

    wa aatoohum mim maalil laahil lazeee aataakum;

    wa laa tukrihoo fatayaatikum 'alal bighaaa'i

    in aradna tahassunal litabtaghoo 'aradal hayaatid dunyaa;

    wa mai yukrihhunna

    fa innal laaha mim ba'di ikraahihinna Ghafoor Raheem

    and let be chaste those who not find financial means for marriage
    until Allah enriches them of his bounty
    and those who seek a wiriting of emancipation of those whom your right hands
    give them writing If you know in them good
    and give them of Allah’s wealth which he has bestowed upon you
    and do not force your maids to prostitution
    if they desired chastity in order that you may seek doods of the worldly life
    and he who compels them,
    then verily Allah after their compulsion The Allah Forgiving One The Most Merciful.

    aur chahiye ke bache rahen woh jo nikah ka Maqdoor nahi rakhte
    yahan tak ke Allah Maqdoor wala kar de apne fazl se
    aur tumahre haath ki Milk Bandi ghulam jo chahen ke likh do 
    (ke kuch maal kamane ki shart par unhen azadi likh do) 
    to likh do agar un me kuch bhalai jano
    aur is par un ki madad karo Allah ke maal se jo tum ko diya
    aur majboor na karo apni kanizon ko badkaari par
    jab ke woh bachna chahen taake tum dunyawi zindagi ka kuch maal chaho
    aur jo unhen majboor keren ga
    to beshak Allah baad is ke ke woh majboori hi ki haalat par rahen bakhsne wala meharban hai.

    وَلَقَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ آيَاتٍ مُبَيِّنَاتٍ

    وَمَثَلًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ خَلَوْا مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ

    وَمَوْعِظَةً لِلْمُتَّقِينَ

    Wa laqad anzalnaaa ilaikum Aayaatim mubaiyinaatinw

    wa masalam minnal lazeena khalaw min qablikum

    wa maw'izatal lilmuttaqeen

    and indeed we have sent down to you manifest auyaats
    and an example of those who passed away before you,
    and an admonition for the pious.

    aur beshak hum ne utaareen tumhari taraf raoshan ayaten
    aur kuch un logon ka bayan jo tum se pehle ho guzre
    aur dar walon ke liye naseehat.

     اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ

    مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ

    ۖ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ

    الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ

    يُوقَدُ مِنْ شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ

    لَا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ

    يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِيءُ

    وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ ۚ

    نُورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ ۗ

    يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ

    ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ

    ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

    Allaahu noorus samaawaati wal ard;

    masalu noorihee kamishkaatin feehaa misbaah;

    almisbaahu fee zujaajatin

    azzujaajatu ka annahaa kawkabun durriyyuny

    yooqadu min shajaratim mubaarakatin zaitoonatil

    laa shariqiyyatinw wa laa gharbiyyatiny

    yakaadu zaituhaa yudeee'u

    wa law alm tamsashu naar;

    noorun 'alaa noor;

    yahdil laahu linoorihee mai yashaaa';

    wa yadribul laahul amsaala linnaas;

    wallaahu bikulli shai'in Aleem


    Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth
    the paraple of his light is as a niche within it is a lamp.
    The lamp is in a glass
    the glass as if it were a brilliant star
    lit from a blessed tree an olive,
    neither of the east nor of the west
    its oil would almost glow forth
    though not fire touched it,
    light upon light,
    Allah guides to his light whom he wills
    and Allah sets forth parables for mankind
    and Allah of every thing The Omniscient.

    Allah noor hai asmano aur zamino ka,
    is ke noor ki misaal aisi jaise ek taaq ke is me chiragh hai
    woh chiragh ek fanoos me hai
    woh fanoos goya ek sitara hai moti sa chamakta
    roshan hota hai barkat wale ped Zaitoon se
    jo na mashriq ka na maghrib ka
    qareeb hai ke us ka tail bhadak utthe
    agarche use aag na chuye
    noor par noor hai
    Allah apne noor ki raah batata hai jise chahta hai,
    aur Allah misalein bayan farmata hai logon ke liye,
    aur Allah sab kuch jaanta hai.

     فِي بُيُوتٍ أَذِنَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ

    وَيُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ

    يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ فِيهَا بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ

    Fee buyootin azinal laahu an turfa'a

    wa yuzkara feehas muhoo

    yusabbihu lahoo feehaa bilghuduwwi wal aasaal

    In houses permitted Allah that they be raised
    and is remembered in them his name
    glorify him in them in the mornings and in the evenings.

    un gharon me jinhen buland karne ka Allah ne hukum diya hai
    aur un me us ka naam liya jata hai,
    Allah ki tasbeeh karte hain un me subah aur shaam

    . رِجَالٌ لَا تُلْهِيهِمْ تِجَارَةٌ

    وَلَا بَيْعٌ عَنْ ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ

    وَإِقَامِ الصَّلَاةِ وَإِيتَاءِ الزَّكَاةِ

    ۙ يَخَافُونَ يَوْمًا تَتَقَلَّبُ فِيهِ الْقُلُوبُ وَالْأَبْصَارُ

    Rinjaalul laa tulheehim tijaaratunw

    wa laa bai'un 'an zikril laahi

    wa iqaamis Salaati wa eetaaa'iz Zakaati

    yakkhaafoona Yawman tataqallabu feehil quloobu wal absaar

    men whom neither them trade
    nor sale diverts from the rememberance of Allah
    nor from offiring the prayer nor from giving alms,
    they fear a day and they eyes will be overturned in it the hearts.

    woh mard jinhein ghaafil nahi karta koi soda
    aur na khareed o farokht Allah ki yaad se
    aur namaz barpaa rakhne aur zakaat dene se
    darte hain is din se jis me ulat jayen ge dil aur ankhen.

     لِيَجْزِيَهُمُ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنَ مَا عَمِلُوا

    وَيَزِيدَهُمْ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ يَرْزُقُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ

    Liyajziyahumul laahu ahsana maa 'amiloo

    wa yazeedahum  min fadlih;

    wal laahu yarzuqu mai yashaaa'u bighairi hisaab


    that Allah may reward them according to the best of what they have done
    and add even more for them of his grace
    and Allah provides to whom he wills without account.

    taake Allah unhen badla de un ke sab se behtar kaam ka
    aur apne fazl se unhen inaam ziyada de,
    aur Allah rozi deta hai jise chahe be ginti ,

    وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَعْمَالُهُمْ كَسَرَابٍ بِقِيعَةٍ

    يَحْسَبُهُ الظَّمْآنُ مَاءً

    حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَاءَهُ لَمْ يَجِدْهُ شَيْئًا

    وَوَجَدَ اللَّهَ عِنْدَهُ فَوَفَّاهُ حِسَابَهُ

    ۗ  وَاللَّهُ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ

    Wallazeena kafarooo a'maaluhum kasaraabim biqee'atiny

    yahsabuhuz zamaanu maaa'an

    hattaaa izaa jaaa'ahoo lam yajid hu shai'anw

    wa wajadal laaha 'indahoo fa waffaahu hisaabah;

    wallaahu saree'ul hisaab

    as for those who disbelieved their deeds are like a mirage in a lawland.
    The thirsty one thinks it to be water
    until when he comes up to it, not he finds it to be anything
    and he finds Allah wiht him who will pay him his due
    and Allah is swift in taking account.

    aur jo kafir hove un ke kaam aise hain jaise dhoop me chamakta Reta kisi jungle me
    ke piyasa use pani samjhe,
    yahan tak jab is ke paas aaya to use kuch na paaya
    aur Allah ko apne qareeb paaya to is ne is ka hisaab poora bhar diya,
    aur Allah jald hisaab kar leta hai.

    أَوْ كَظُلُمَاتٍ فِي بَحْرٍ لُجِّيٍّ

    يَغْشَاهُ مَوْجٌ

    مِنْ فَوْقِهِ مَوْجٌ

     مِنْ فَوْقِهِ سَحَابٌ ۚ

    ظُلُمَاتٌ بَعْضُهَا فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ

    إِذَا أَخْرَجَ يَدَهُ لَمْ يَكَدْ يَرَاهَا ۗ

    وَمَنْ لَمْ يَجْعَلِ اللَّهُ لَهُ نُورًا

    فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ نُورٍ

    Aw kazulumaatin fee bahril lujjiyyiny

    yaghshaahu mawjum

    min fawqihee mawjum

    min fawqihee sahaab;

    zulumatum ba'duhaa fawqa ba'din

    izaaa akhraja yadahoo lam yakad yaraahaa

    wa mal lam yaj'alil laahu lahoo noora

    famaa lahoo min noor

    or is like the darknesses in a vast deep sea,
    covers it a wave
    on top of it a wave
    on top of it clouds 
    darnesses some of it on top of others
    if a man stretches out his hand hardly he can see it
    and he who Allah made not light for him
    for him there is not any light.

    ya jaise andheriya kisi geherai wale darya me
    is ke upar mauj 
    mauj ke upar aur mouj
    us ke upar baadal,
    andhere hain ek par ek
    jab apna haath nikale to sujhayi deta maloom na ho
    aur jise Allah noor na de
    is ke liye kahin noor nahi.

    أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ

    مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

    وَالطَّيْرُ صَافَّاتٍ ۖ

    كُلٌّ قَدْ عَلِمَ صَلَاتَهُ وَتَسْبِيحَهُ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِمَا يَفْعَلُونَ

    Alam tara annal laaha yusabbihu lahoo

    man fissamaawaati wal ardi

    wat tairu saaaffaatim

    kullun qad 'alima Salaatahoo wa tasbeehah;

    wallaahu 'aleemum bimaa yaf'aloon

    Do you not see ? that Allah he it is glorifies him
    whosoever is in the heavens and the earth
    and the birds with wings out spread.
    Each knows his prayer and his glorification
    and Allah is The Omniscient of what they do.

    kya tum ne na dekha ke Allah ki tasbeeh karte hain
    jo koi asmano aur zameen me hain
    aur parinde par phelaaye
    sab ne jaan rakhi hai apni namaz aur apni tasbeeh,
    aur Allah un ke kamon ko jaanta hai.

     وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

    ۖ وَإِلَى اللَّهِ الْمَصِيرُ

    Wa lillaahi mulkus samaawaati wal ardi

    wa ilal laahil maseer

    and to Allah belongs the soveringly of the heavens and the earth
    and the return is to Allah.

    aur Allah hi ke liye hai saltanat asmano aur zameen ki
    aur Allah hi ki taraf phir jana.

     أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُزْجِي سَحَابًا

    ثُمَّ يُؤَلِّفُ بَيْنَهُ

    ثُمَّ يَجْعَلُهُ رُكَامًا

    فَتَرَى الْوَدْقَ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ خِلَالِهِ

    وَيُنَزِّلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مِنْ جِبَالٍ

    فِيهَا مِنْ بَرَدٍ

    فَيُصِيبُ بِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ

    وَيَصْرِفُهُ عَنْ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ

    يَكَادُ سَنَا بَرْقِهِ يَذْهَبُ بِالْأَبْصَارِ

    Alam tara annal laaha yuzjee sahaaban

    summa yu'allifu bainahoo

    summa yaj'aluhoo rukaaman

    fataral wadqa yakhruju min khilaalihee

    wa yunazzilu minas samaaa'i min jibaalin

    feehaa mim barain

    fa yuseebu bihee mai yashaaa'u

    wa yasrifuhoo 'am mai yashaaa'u

    yakkaadu sanaa barqihee yazhabu bil absaar

    Do you not see that Allah drives clouds
    then joins them together
    then makes them into a heap of layers
    and you see the rain comes forth from between them
    and sends down from the sky from mountains
    in it of hail
    and strikes whom he wills with it,
    and averts it from whom he wills
    nearly flahs of its lighting takes away the sight.

    kya to ne na dekha ke Allah naram naram chalata hai baadal ko
    phir unhen aapas me Milata hai
    phir unhen teh par teh kar deta hai
    to too dekhe ke is ke beech me se manh nikalta hai
    aur utarta hai aasman se is me jo barf ke paharh hain
    un me se kuch ole
    phir daalna hai inhen jis par chahe
    aur pheyr deta hai unhen jis se chahe
    qareeb hai ke is ki bijli ki chamak aankh le jaye.

     يُقَلِّبُ اللَّهُ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ ۚ

    إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَعِبْرَةً لِأُولِي الْأَبْصَارِ


    Yuqallibul laahul laila wannahaar;

    inna fee zaalika la'ibratal li ulil absaar

    Allah causes to alternate the night and they day.
    Verily in this is indeed a lesson for those who have insight

    Allah badli karta hai raat aur din ki
    beshak is me samajhne ka maqam hai nigah walon ko.

    وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِنْ مَاءٍ ۖ

    فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِي عَلَىٰ بَطْنِهِ

    وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِي عَلَىٰ رِجْلَيْنِ

    وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِي عَلَىٰ أَرْبَعٍ ۚ

    يَخْلُقُ اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ

    إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

    Wallaahu khalaqa kulla daaabbatim mim maaa'in

    faminhum mai yamshee 'alaa batnihee

    wa minhum mai yamshee 'alaa rijlaine

    wa minhum mai yamshee 'alaaa arba';

    yakhluqul laahu maa yashaaa';

    innal laaha 'alaa kulli shai'in Qadeer

    and Allah has created every moving living creature from water
    of them there are who creeps walks on his belly
    and of them who walks on two leges
    and of them who walks on four
    Allah creates what he wills.
    Verily Allah over every thing is All-Powerful.

    aur Allah ne zameen par har chalne wala pani se banaya
    to un me koi apne pet par chalta hai
    aur un me koi do paon par chalta hai
    aur un me koi chaar paon par chalta hai
    Allah banata hai jo chahe,
    be shak Allah sab kuch kar sakta hai.

    لَقَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا آيَاتٍ مُبَيِّنَاتٍ ۚ

    وَاللَّهُ يَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ

    Laqad anzalnaaa Aayaatim mubaiyinaat;

    wallaahu yahdee mai yashaaa'u ilaa Siraatim Mustaqeem

    indeed we have sent d own auyaats clarifying
    and Allah guides whom he wills to straight way.

    beshak hum ne utareen saaf bayan karne wali ayaten
    aur Allah jise chahe seedhi raah dikhae.

    وَيَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَبِالرَّسُولِ وَأَطَعْنَا

    ثُمَّ يَتَوَلَّىٰ فَرِيقٌ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ ۚ

    وَمَا أُولَٰئِكَ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    Wa yaqooloona aamannaa billaahi wa bir Rasooli wa ata'naa

    summa yatawallaa fareequm minhum mim ba'di zaalik;

    wa maaa ulaaa'ika bilmu'mineen

    and they say: we have believed Allah and in the Prophet and we obey
    then turn away thereafer a party of them
    and those are not believers.

    aur kahte hain hum imaan laaye Allah aur rasool par aur hukum mana
    phir kuch un me ke is ke baad phir jate hain
    aur woh musalman nahi.

     وَإِذَا دُعُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ

    لِيَحْكُمَ بَيْنَهُمْ

    إِذَا فَرِيقٌ مِنْهُمْ مُعْرِضُونَ

    Wa izaa du'ooo ilal laahi wa Rasoolihee

    li yahkuma bainahum

    izaa fareequm minhum mu'ridoon

    and when they are called to Allah and his Prophet 
    to judge between them
    then a party of them turn away. 

    aur jab bulaye jayen Allah aur is ke rasool ki taraf
    ke rasool un me faisla farmaiye
    to jabhi un ka ek fareeq mun pher jata hai.

    وَإِنْ يَكُنْ لَهُمُ الْحَقُّ

    يَأْتُوا إِلَيْهِ مُذْعِنِينَ

    Wa iny-yakul lahumul haqqu

    yaatooo ilaihi muz'ineen

    but if the truth is with them,
    they come piliant to him.

    aur agar un ke haq me faisla ho
    to us ki taraf ayen mante hue.

    أَفِي قُلُوبِهِمْ مَرَضٌ أَمِ ارْتَابُوا

    أَمْ يَخَافُونَ أَنْ يَحِيفَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَرَسُولُهُ

    ۚ بَلْ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ

    Afee quloobihim maradun am irtaabooo

    am yakhaafoona ani yaheefallaahu 'alaihim wa Rasooluh;

    bal ulaaa'ika humuz zaalimoon

    is there a disease in their hearts? Or do they doubt?
    or they fear lest Allah and him Prophet should wrong in judgement over them?
    Nay! It is they who are the wrong-doers.

    kya un ke dilon me bimari hai ya shak rakhte hain
    kya yeh darte hain ke Allah o rasool un par zulm karen ge
    balke khud hi zalim hain.

     إِنَّمَا كَانَ قَوْلَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

    إِذَا دُعُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ

    لِيَحْكُمَ بَيْنَهُمْ

    أَنْ يَقُولُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا

    ۚ وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

    Innamaa kaana qawlal mu'mineena

    izaa du'ooo ilal laahi wa Rasoolihee

    li yahkuma bainahum

    ai yaqooloo sami'naa wa ata'naa;

    wa ulaaa'ika humul muflihoon

    only was saying of the believers
    when they are called to Allah and his Prophet
    to judge between them
    is that they say: “we heard and we obeyed.”
    And such they are the successful.

    musalmano ki baat to yahi hai
    jab Allah aur rasool ki taraf bulaye jayen
    ke rasool un me faisla farmaye
    ke arz karen hum ne suna aur hukum mana
    aur yahi log morad ko pahunche.

     وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ

    وَيَخْشَ اللَّهَ وَيَتَّقْهِ

    فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَائِزُونَ

    Wa mai yuti'il laaha wa Rasoolahoo

    wa yakhshal laaha wa yattaqhi

    fa ulaaa'ika humul faaa'izoon

    and whosoever obeys Allah and his Prophet
    and fears Allah and keeps his duty
    to him such they are the successful.

    aur jo hukum mane Allah aur is ke rasool ka
    aur Allah se dare aur parhez gari kere
    to yahi log kamyaab hain.

     وَأَقْسَمُوا بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَانِهِمْ

    لَئِنْ أَمَرْتَهُمْ لَيَخْرُجُنَّ ۖ

    قُلْ لَا تُقْسِمُوا ۖ

    طَاعَةٌ مَعْرُوفَةٌ ۚ

    إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ

    Wa aqsamoo billaahi jahda aimaanihim

    la'in amartahum la yakhrujunna

    qul laa tuqsimoo

    taa'atum ma'roofah

    innal laaha khabeerum bimaa ta'maloon

    and they swear by Allah strongest their oaths
    that if you would order them they would leave,
    say: “do not swear.”
    This obedience is acquirement.
    Verily Allah The All Aware what you do.

    aur unhon ne Allah ki qasam khayi apne halaf me had ki koshish se
    ke agar tum unhen hukum do ge to woh zaroor jihaad ko nikleen ge
    tum farmao kasmen na khao
    mawafiq shara hukum bardari chahiye,
    beshak Allah jaanta hai jo tum karte ho.

    قُلْ أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ ۖ

    فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْهِ مَا حُمِّلَ

    وَعَلَيْكُمْ مَا حُمِّلْتُمْ ۖ

    وَإِنْ تُطِيعُوهُ تَهْتَدُوا ۚ

    وَمَا عَلَى الرَّسُولِ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ

    Qul atee'ul laaha wa atee'ur Rasoola

    fa in tawallaw fa innamaa 'alaihi maa hummila

    wa 'alaikum maa hummiltum

    wa in tutee'oohu tahtadoo;

    wa maa'alar Rasooli illal balaaghul mubeen

    say: obey Allah and obey the Prophet
    but if you turn away them only on him is what is placed on him,
    and on you for what is placed on you,
    and if you obey him you shall be guided
    and the Prophet is not on except conveying clear preach.

    tum farmao hukum manu Allah ka aur hukum manu rasool ka
    phir agar tum munh phero to rasool ke zimma wohi hai jo us par lazim kya gaya
    aur tum par woh hai jis ka boojh tum par rakha gaya
    aur agar rasool ki farma bardari karo ge raah pao ge,
    aur rasool ke zimma nahi magar saaf pouncha dena.

    وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ

    لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ

    كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ

    وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دِينَهُمُ

    الَّذِي ارْتَضَىٰ لَهُمْ

    وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ أَمْنًا ۚ

    يَعْبُدُونَنِي لَا يُشْرِكُونَ بِي شَيْئًا ۚ

    وَمَنْ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ

    فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

    Wa'adal laahul lazeena aamanoo minkum wa 'amilus saalihaati

    la yastakhlifan nahum fil ardi

    kamastakh lafal lazeena min qablihim

    wa la yumakkinanna lahum deenahum

    ul lazir tadaa lahum

    wa la yubaddilannahum mim ba'di khawfihim amnaa;

    ya'budoonanee laa yushrikoona bee shai'aa;

    wa man kafara ba'da zaalika

    fa ulaaa'ika humul faasiqoon


    Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous
    that he will certainly grant them succession in the earth
    as he gave succession to those before them
    and that he establish for them their religion
    which he has chose for them
    and he will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear.
    They worship me not associating anything with me
    and whoever disbelieved after that
    those they are the disobedient.

    Allah ne wada diya un ko jo tum me se imaan laaye aur ache kaam kiye
    ke zaroor inhen zameen me khilafat de ga
    jaisi un se pehloo ko di
    aur zaroor un ke liye jama de ga un ka woh deen
    jo un ke liye pasand farmaya hai
    aur zaroor un ke agle khauf ko aman se badal de ga
    meri ibadat karen mera shareek kisi ko na thahrayen,
    aur jo is ke baad na shukri kere
    to wohi log be hukum hain.

     وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ

    وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ

     وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ

    لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ


    Wa aqeemus Salaata

    wa aatuz Zakaata

    wa atee'ur Rasoola

    la'allakum turhamoon


    and offer prayers 
    and pay aims Zakat,
    and obey the Prophet  
    so that you may be treated with mercy.

    aur namaz qaiem rakho
    aur zakat do
    aur rasool ki farmabardari karo
    is umeed par ke tum par raham ho.

     لَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مُعْجِزِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ

    ۚ وَمَأْوَاهُمُ النَّارُ ۖ

    وَلَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ

    Laa tahsabannal lazeena kafaroo mu'jizeena fil ard;

    wa maawaahumun Naaru

    wa labi'sal maseer

    do not consider those who disbelieved can excape in the land!
    And their abode is the fire
    and the worst indeed is that destination! 

    hargiz kafiron ko khayaal na karna ke woh kahin hamare qaabu se nikal jayen zameen me
    aur un ka thikana aag hai,
    aur zaroor kya hi bura anjaam.

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لِيَسْتَأْذِنْكُمُ

    الَّذِينَ مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ

    وَالَّذِينَ لَمْ يَبْلُغُوا الْحُلُمَ مِنْكُمْ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ ۚ

    مِنْ قَبْلِ صَلَاةِ الْفَجْرِ

    وَحِينَ تَضَعُونَ ثِيَابَكُمْ مِنَ الظَّهِيرَةِ

    وَمِنْ بَعْدِ صَلَاةِ الْعِشَاءِ ۚ

    ثَلَاثُ عَوْرَاتٍ لَكُمْ ۚ

    لَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَا عَلَيْهِمْ جُنَاحٌ بَعْدَهُنَّ ۚ

    طَوَّافُونَ عَلَيْكُمْ بَعْضُكُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۚ

    كَذَٰلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

    Yaaa aiyuhal lazeena aamanoo li yastaazinkum

    ul lazeena malakat aimaanukum

    wallazeena lam yablughul huluma minkum salaasa marraat;

    min qabli Salaatil Fajri

    wa heena tada'oona siyaa bakum minaz zaheerati

    wa mim ba'di Salaatil Ishaaa';

    salaasu 'awraatil lakum;

    laisa 'alaikum wa laa 'alaihim junaahum ba'dahunn;

    tawwaafoona 'alaikum ba'dukum 'alaa ba'd;

    kazaalika yubaiyinul laahu lakumul aayaat

    wallaahu 'Aleemun Hakeem

    O  you who believe! Should ask your permission
    those who possess your right hands
    and those who did not attain the age of puberty, of you three times
    before prayer down Fajr
    and while you put off your clothes for the noonday,
    and after the prayer of Isha late night Isha.
    Three times are of privacy for you your parts prospect be open.
    Thre is not on you nor on them sin afterwards.
    To move about attending to you some of you over some others.
    Thus Allah makes clear to you signs
    and Allah is The All-Omniscient The All-Ultimately Wise One.

    ae imaan walo! chahiye ke tum se ijaazat len
    tumahre haath ke maal ghulam
    aur jo tum me abhi jawani ko na puhanche teen waqt
    namaz-e subah se pehle
    aur jab tum apne kaprhe utaar rakhte ho dopaher ko
    aur namaz esha ke baad
    yeh teen waqt tumhari sharam ke hain
    un teen ke baad kuch gunah nahi tum par na un par
    amad o raft rakhte hain tumahre yahan ek dosre ke paas
    Allah yuhin bayan karta hai tumahre liye ayatain,
    aur Allah ilm o hikmat wala hai.

    وَإِذَا بَلَغَ الْأَطْفَالُ مِنْكُمُ الْحُلُمَ


    كَمَا اسْتَأْذَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ ۚ

    كَذَٰلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ آيَاتِهِ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

    Wa izaa balaghal atfaalu minkumul huluma

    fal yastaazinoo

    kamas taazanal lazeena min qablihim;

    kazaalika yubaiyinul laahu lakum ;

    wallaahu 'Aleemun Hakeem


    and when attain the children among you the age of pubery
    then let them seek permission to enter theirs room
    as sought permission those who were before them.
    thus Allah makes clear for you his signs
    and Allah is The All Omniscient The All Ultimatley Wise One.

    aur jab tum me larhke jawani ko pahunch jayen
    to woh bhi ijaazat mange
    jaise un ke uglo ne ijaazat mangi,
    Allah yuhin bayan farmata hai tum se apni ayaten,
    aur Allah ilm o hikmat wala hai.

    وَالْقَوَاعِدُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ اللَّاتِي لَا يَرْجُونَ نِكَاحًا

    فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْهِنَّ جُنَاحٌ

    أَنْ يَضَعْنَ ثِيَابَهُنَّ

    غَيْرَ مُتَبَرِّجَاتٍ بِزِينَةٍ ۖ

    وَأَنْ يَسْتَعْفِفْنَ خَيْرٌ لَهُنَّ ۗ

    وَاللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

    Walqawaa'idu minan nisaaa'il laatee laa yarjoona nikaahan

    falisa 'alaihinna junaahun

    ai yada'na siyaabahunna

    ghaira mutabar rijaatim bizeenah;

    wa ai yasta'fifna khairul lahunn;

    wallaahu Samee'un 'Aleem

    and as for the women past child-bearing from who do not ekpect wed-lock.
    It is not on them sin
    that they discard their clothes
    as not to showing their beauty equils womenty but that they act moraly
    and refrain is better for them
    and Allah The All Hearing One The All Omniscient.

    aur bodhi khana nasheen aurten jinhein nikah ki arzoo nahi
    un par kuch gunah nahi
    ke apne baalaai kaprhe utaar rakhen
    jab ke singhar na chamkayen
    aur un se bhi bachna un ke liye aur behtar hai,
    aur Allah sonta jaanta hai.

    لَيْسَ عَلَى الْأَعْمَىٰ حَرَجٌ

    وَلَا عَلَى الْأَعْرَجِ حَرَجٌ

    وَلَا عَلَى الْمَرِيضِ حَرَجٌ

    وَلَا عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَنْ تَأْكُلُوا مِنْ بُيُوتِكُمْ

    أَوْ بُيُوتِ آبَائِكُمْ أَوْ بُيُوتِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ

    أَوْ بُيُوتِ إِخْوَانِكُمْ أَوْ بُيُوتِ أَخَوَاتِكُمْ

    أَوْ بُيُوتِ أَعْمَامِكُمْ أَوْ بُيُوتِ عَمَّاتِكُمْ

    أَوْ بُيُوتِ أَخْوَالِكُمْ أَوْ بُيُوتِ خَالَاتِكُمْ

    أَوْ مَا مَلَكْتُمْ مَفَاتِحَهُ أَوْ صَدِيقِكُمْ ۚ

    لَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ أَنْ تَأْكُلُوا جَمِيعًا أَوْ أَشْتَاتًا ۚ

    فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُمْ بُيُوتًا فَسَلِّمُوا عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِكُمْ

    تَحِيَّةً مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ مُبَارَكَةً طَيِّبَةً ۚ

    كَذَٰلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ

    لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ 

    Laisa 'alal a'maa harajunw

    wa laa 'alal a'raji harajunw

    wa laa 'alal mareedi harajun

    wa laa 'alaa anfusikum an taakuloo mim buyootikum

    aw buyooti aabaaa'ikum aw buyooti ummahaatikum

    aw buyooti ikhwaanikum aw buyooti akhawaatikum

    aw buyooti a'maamikum aw buyooti 'ammaatikum

    aw buyooti akhwaalikum aw buyooti khaalaatikum

    aw maa malaktum mafaatihahooo aw sadeeqikum;

    laisa 'alaikum junaahun an taakuloo jamee'an aw ashtaata;

    fa izaa dakhaltum buyootan fasallimoo 'alaaa anfusikum

    tahiyyatam min 'indil laahi mubaarakatan taiyibah;

    kazaalika yubai yinul laahu lakumul Aayaati

    la'allakum ta'qiloon

    there is not restriction on the blind
    nor any restriction on the lame
    nor any restriction on the sick
    nor on yourselves that you eat from your houses
    or the houses of your fathers or the houses of your mothers
    or the houses of your brothers or  the houses  of your sisters 
    or the houses of your paternal uncles or the houses of your paternal aunts 
    or the houses of your maternal uncles or the houses of your maternal aunts 
    or what you hold its keys or your friend 
    there is not on you sin that you eat all or apart 
    But when you enter houses them greet yourselves on another
    a greeting from Allah blessed and good.
    Thus Allah makes clear for you the signs
    so you that you may understand.

    na andhe par tangi
    aur na lengre par muzaiqa
    aur na bimaar par rok
    aur na tum me kisi par ke khao apni aulaad ke gharon se 
    ya apne baap ke ghar ya apni maa ke ghar
    ya apne bhaiyon ke yahan ya apni behnon ke ghar
    ya apne chchaon ke yahan ya apni phuphiyon ke ghar
    ya apne mamuon ke yahan ya apni khalaon ke ghar
    ya jahan ki kunjyan tumahre qabza me hain ya apne dost ke yahan 
    tum par koi ilzaam nahi ke mil kar khao ya alag allag
    phir jab kisi ghar me jao to apno ko salam karo
    milte waqt ki achi dua Allah ke paas se mubarak pakeeza,
    Allah yuhin bayan farmata hai tum se ayatain
    ke tumhe samajh ho.

    إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ

    وَإِذَا كَانُوا مَعَهُ عَلَىٰ أَمْرٍ جَامِعٍ

    لَمْ يَذْهَبُوا حَتَّىٰ يَسْتَأْذِنُوهُ ۚ

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَأْذِنُونَكَ

    أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ۚ

    فَإِذَا اسْتَأْذَنُوكَ لِبَعْضِ شَأْنِهِمْ

    فَأْذَنْ لِمَنْ شِئْتَ مِنْهُمْ

    وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمُ اللَّهَ ۚ

    إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

    Innamal mu'minoonal lazeena aamanoo billaahi wa Rasoolihee

    wa izaa kaanoo ma'ahoo 'alaaa amrin jaami'il

    lam yazhaboo hataa yastaazinooh;

    innal lazeena yastaa zinoonaka

    ulaaa'ikal lazeena yu'minoona billaahi wa Rasoolih;

    fa izas taazanooka liba'di shaanihim

    fazal liman shi'ta minhum

    wastaghfir lahumul laah;

    innal laaha Gahfoor Raheem

    the true believers are only those who believed in Allah and his Prophet
    and when they are with him on a matter collective
    they go not until they have asked his permission.
    Verily those who ask your permission,
    those are they who believe in Allah and his Prophet
    so if they ask your permission for some affairs of their,
    give permission to whom you wish of them,
    and ask Allah for them forgiveness.
    Truly Allah is The All Forgiving One The Most Merciful.

    imaan wale to wohi hain jo Allah aur us ke rasool par yaqeen laaye
    aur jab rasool ke paas kisi aise kaam me haazir hue hon jis ke liye jama kiye gaye hon
    to na jayen jab tak un se ijazat na le len
    woh jo tum se ijazat mangte hain
    wohi hain jo Allah aur is ke rasool par imaan laate hain
    phir jab woh tum se ijazat mangeen apne kisi kaam ke liye
    to un me jise tum chaho ijazat de do
    aur un ke liye Allah se maffi mango
    beshak Allah bakhsne wala meharban hai.

     لَا تَجْعَلُوا دُعَاءَ الرَّسُولِ بَيْنَكُمْ كَدُعَاءِ بَعْضِكُمْ بَعْضًا ۚ

    قَدْ يَعْلَمُ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ يَتَسَلَّلُونَ مِنْكُمْ لِوَاذًا ۚ

    فَلْيَحْذَرِ الَّذِينَ يُخَالِفُونَ عَنْ أَمْرِهِ

    أَنْ تُصِيبَهُمْ فِتْنَةٌ

    أَوْ يُصِيبَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

    La taj'aloo du'aaa'ar Rasooli bainakum kadu'aaa'i badikum ba'daa;

    qad ya'lamul laahul lazeena yatasallaloona minkum liwaazaa;

    fal yahzaril lazeena yukhaalifoona 'an amriheee

    an tuseebahum fitnatun

    aw yuseebahum 'azaabun aleem

    not make calling of the Prophet among you as calling some of you others.
    Truly knows Allah those who slip away of you under shelter
    and let beware those who oppose Prophet commandement,
    lest should befall them an affliction,
    or befall them a painful torment.

    Rasool ke pukarne ko aapas me aisa na thehra lo jaisa tum me ek dosre ko pukaarta hai
    beshak Allah jaanta hai jo tum me chupke nikal jate hain kisi cheez ki aarh le kar 
    to daren woh jo rasool ke hukum ke khilaaf karte hain
    ke unhen koi fitnah pahunche
    ya un par dard naak azaab parhe.

    أَلَا إِنَّ لِلَّهِ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

    ۖ قَدْ يَعْلَمُ مَا أَنْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ

    وَيَوْمَ يُرْجَعُونَ إِلَيْهِ

    فَيُنَبِّئُهُمْ بِمَا عَمِلُوا

    ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ


    Alaaa inna lillaahi maa fis samaawaati wal ardi

    qad ya'lamu maaa antum 'alaihi

    wa Yawma yurja'oona ilaihi

    fa yunaabi 'uhum bimaa 'amiloo;

    wallaahu bikulli shai'in 'Aleem

    Behold certainly to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth,
    surely he knows what you are on it condition
    and that day when they will be brought back to him
    then will inform them of what they did
    and Allah of ever thing The Omniscient.

    sun lo! beshak Allah hi ka hai jo kuch asmano aur zameen me hai
    beshak woh jaanta hai jis haal par tum ho
    aur is din ko jis me is ki taraf phaire jayen ge
    to woh unhen batadega jo kuch unhon ne kya,
    aur Allah sab kuch jaanta hai.

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